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Adding fitness to your daily regimen is not always easy. Many people do not enjoy working out, and thus, finding time to squeeze in a trip to the gym or a run may not happen. However, there are many ways you can incorporate fitness into your daily routine without blocking off time specifically to work out.

Morning Stretching

First, you could start off your day by stretching while getting ready. Some people will watch the news in the morning, which you can easily do while stretching. Or, you could do some morning meditation while getting your body ready for the day. There are many types of stretching, from some simple seated stretches to full-on yoga. Regardless of how you wake up, see if there is room for stretching while doing so.

Commercial Squats

TV plays a major role in the lack of fitness for some people. It can seem more desirable to turn on Netflix than to lift dumbbells. However, if you watch cable TV or use a streaming service with commercials, you could do a brief exercise, such as squats, while the show is on break. It may not be a ton of time, but even working out in short bursts can add up to have a positive effect.

Walking Meetings

If you have many work meetings throughout the day, try taking them while walking around the neighbourhood. If you are working remotely, many people have the ability to use cell service to take a call or video chat while out of the house. Although it may not be practical in all situations, walking during regular meetings can help you get some fresh air and keep your heart pumping.

Tidy Your Home

Cleaning is an often overlooked workout. Think about those times when you deep clean your home. Sometimes, you might break a sweat. Try to clean your house completely at least once per week, which should get you moving for a few hours.

Adding fitness to your daily activities may seem difficult at first. However, once you get used to the idea, you may find that it is simple and effective at getting you back into shape. While you should still schedule time out to focus solely on working out, these tips can help those who have trouble committing to a workout routine.